Air Conditioning Settings and Mold Damage in South Florida

Within the past few months, we have received many calls about high relative humidity (RH) and mold damage inside Customers homes and offices. Generally speaking, RH over 55% can start to damage the interior of condos, townhouses, single family homes and commercial spaces over time. These properties were located in Coral Springs, Parkland, Boca Raton, Delray Beach and Boynton Beach.


Surface mold on contents and walls, musty odors, as well as respiratory and breathing issues, were common Customer complaints.


I was at a property yesterday in Boca Raton and I found the air conditioning settings were incorrect. There was damage to contents and a musty odor throughout the unit. Many contractors have been called out to the property and they couldn’t determine the source of the odor or mold damage.


I flipped the fan setting from “on” to “auto”. This simple adjustment will solve the high RH and mold problem moving forward. If your reading this please check the settings on your air conditioning controller. It could help you avoid heath issues and property damage for you and your family.


Please call us anytime if you have any questions or concerns about your property in in Coral Springs, Parkland, Boca Raton, Delray Beach and Boynton Beach, or the surrounding areas.


Thank you!


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